Land use typologies | Number of wards |
Residential | 11 |
Residential + commercial | 4 |
Residential + Defence | 3 |
Commercial | 1 |
Commercial + Industrial | 1 |
Land use typologies | Number of wards |
Residential | 11 |
Residential + commercial | 4 |
Residential + Defence | 3 |
Commercial | 1 |
Commercial + Industrial | 1 |
Note: The data analysed below is currently for 15 wards, which have been audited between Mar and May 2023.
1. Representative sample set
A total of 20 wards have been audited as part of the Walkable Bengaluru initiative. These wards were selected to be representative of the diversity areas of the city including aspects like landuse and inner and outer wards. The different land uses include Residential, Commercial, Industrial and Defence and the number of wards represented under each are shown below. Additionally, 12 of them are inner wards and 8 are outer wards (see map).
2. Priority walking network
The percentage of priority walking network across wards indicates that the network in the inner wards is more connected with a potential to make the wards more walkable, i.e. 32% of the total road network, as compared to the outer wards which are much lesser at 19%.
The current quality of the priority walking network is indicated through the length taken up for audit, which was found to be slightly better in the inner wards with an average of 55%, as compared to the outer wards which was an average of 70% of the PWN.
3. Top inhibitors to walking in our city
Through the initiative, we have audited multiple issue parameters for both footpaths and junctions.
Of the total 20 issues audited across 252 kms of footpaths, 11 of them occur in all the wards. Within these, the top 5 issues fall under the sub-categories of Encroachment, Footpath Quality and Unsafe Zones.
Of the 6 issues audited across 140 Junctions, the top 2 issues were found to be speeding vehicles and the lack of pedestrian crossings.
4. Most walkable and least walkable wards
Least walkable wards: Wards 117, 229, and 93 have the highest rates (concentrations) of issues per km. These rates are twice as high as most other wards.
Most walkable wards: Wards 51, 210, and 73 have the lowest rates (concentrations) of issues per km. Ward 51 (Nagapura) has both the lowest counts and rates, and is only ¼ the rate of Ward 117.
5. Budget requirement (by ward)